Tuesday, May 26, 2020

May 25, 2020 - It's a Girl!! (Week 62) - Susquehanna, PA

Hello Everyone! 

It is a beautiful day here at the Priesthood Restoration site and all of the trees are starting to get their green leaves back. Yay for no more naked trees! 

This week we got 2 new sisters and I have the opportunity to train one! My new companion is Sister Gold and she is the cutest sister EVER!!!! She is from Montana and has been a member of the church for 5 years! She is so good at taking tours and so I've definitely been blessed with the best. But don't worry Hermana Rodriguez, I still miss you a ton!💕

We went to this beautiful waterfall on Thursday and the Senior Couples prepared a picnic for us! We roasted hot dogs over the fire and it was so much fun. I really miss going camping. Email me back if you want to plan a fun camping trip for when I get home haha. 

This week I learned a lot about relying on Jesus Christ. I will really be honest with y'all and say that this has probably been the hardest week that I have had on my mission. This whole quarantine thing is really getting to me. But, through Jesus Christ and all that he went through we can be lifted. Elder Holland said this super amazing quote about Jesus Christ's suffering in the Garden of Gethsemane. He said, "Christ even felt alone, but even though He felt alone 

God was never closer to HIs Son than at that time." It really helped me realize that God absolutely NEVER leaves us. 

I love you all and so does God!!

- Sister Larsen

Sister Brown, Sister Gold, and me with our enchiladas

Hermana and I at the waterfall

More of the beautiful waterfall

More of the beautiful waterfall

Sister Gold and I


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