Tuesday, May 5, 2020

May 4, 2020 - "Oh, thanks! I've ALWAYS wanted a drone!" (Week 59) - Susquehanna, PA

Hello beautiful friends and family!

Today is a great day because guess what!?!? IT'S STAR WARS DAY!!

May the Fourth be With You!

We took some AMAZING tours this week!

We took a super cute family on tour from the Philippines. They were so nice and friendly. I was also able to take a family on tour from Brazil. It has really touched me to see how grateful these people are to have the chance to see the sites even though it may not be in person. They always say how they wouldn't have a chance to make it in person and the spirit honestly has no bounds. They can still receive a witness from the Holy Ghost from thousands of miles away.

But since it is Star Wars day I figured I'd share a nice spiritual thought related to Star Wars. 

"At the very End of 'Return of the Jedi', just when it seemed all hope was lost, something incredible happened. Darth Vader, the long standing antagonist of the series, sacrifices himself to save his son and defeat the emperor. Vader thought he was too far gone to ever find redemption. He had done so many terrible things, betrayed so many people. How could he ever be forgiven? 

Luke, on the other hand, never lost faith in Vader. In fact, he believed so strongly he was willing to pay the ultimate price for his forgiveness. There are many people like Darth Vader who look back on their mistakes and think it's too late, but they are wrong. It doesn't matter how far we've strayed or how mangled we've become, Jesus gave his life so we could be forgiven."

Shout out to Bryce for sending this to me. THANKS!!!

I hope  you enjoy your week! I Love you all!!

Sister Larsen

we found a new toy! WHEELCHAIRS!! we are getting kind of bored.... 

the cute Sisters that took us on tour of the Mormon Battalion

Filipino family, our cute tour!!

We decided to go to NY

it was a beautiful day and so we went to the river

this is just a funny picture lol

some nice Elders made us cookies!!!

it was a nice day so we went outside to make hearts for the senior couples

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