Tuesday, May 19, 2020

May 18, 2020 - Lil Creatures! (Week 61) - Susquehanna, PA

Hello!! This week I was able to cross some things off of my bucket list! 

So this week I held a chipmunk!! So quick story. There was the cutest little baby chipmunk that was nicely frolicking through the grass and I decided that I wanted to catch it. Well, this chipmunk was not very fast so I scooped him up and got to hold him! He was very furry and very soft. I highly suggest holding a chipmunk if you can. Just don't get bitten. 

Some other exciting news is that we are getting sisters!! All of us here at the PRS are so so excited! 

This last Friday (May 15th) was the restoration of the Aaronic Priesthood and so we had a nice celebration that day. It really made me think about how blessed we truly are to have the priesthood in all of our lives. There would literally be no way to make it back to heaven if it wasn't for the priesthood. I just want you all to ponder that for a minute. 

Have a flipping amazing week!!!

Sister Larsen 

Sister Schumers coming in clutch with the peanut butter!

a cute toad Sister Reynolds and I caught (sorry I don't have a pic of the chipmunk, Sister Rodriguez wasn't quick enough....)


a cute tour we took with a lady from Russia

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