Monday, June 1, 2020

June 1, 2020 - Chastity and Chinese Food Friday! (Week 63) - Susquehanna, PA

This week just flew by! Life is seriously so good here at the Priesthood Restoration Site. The weather is warming up and the daisies are starting to bloom! 

This week some pretty cool things happened. 
- We went to the waterfall again so the new sisters could see it.
- We planted Emma's garden by the Smith home and I cannot wait for it to grow
- We found four leaf clovers! I'm pretty lucky I guess
- On Chastity Friday we got some really good Chinese food from a super sketchy shop
- We had a picnic

But I also learned something really cool this week. I learned about trusting God and to trust in His timing. Life seriously is not the easiest thing ever and a lot of things are hard. We may not understand why we experience opposition but God knows ALL. During my studies I was thinking about trusting God and this thought came to my mind, "God trusts an imperfect person like me to do His work, so why should I not trust a perfect God that knows all things from beginning to end." 

Anyways, we are getting 2 more sisters at the PRS this week and we are so excited!! 
'till next time!

-Sister Larsen

4 leaf clovers

sketchy Chinese restaurant

livin it up in Susqy

mother and daughter






some cute daisies! 

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