Monday, February 3, 2020

February 3, 2020 - Bicentennial (Week 46) - Philadelphia, PA

Hello friends!

This week was pretty uneventful....

I was still getting over my sickness and so I did a lot of reading and studying, mostly from the book "Saints". 

Coming on a mission has definitely strengthened my testimony of Joseph Smith and the Book of Mormon. Serving at the Priesthood Restoration Site was definitely the catalyst. That place is so sacred! It has been almost 200 years, but the grounds haven't forgotten what happened there. 

I hope you all are following President Nelson's counsel of studying about the First Vision and the Restoration. I have felt a significant change in my life, and I know that as I do this and as all of you do too, your General Conference truly will be unforgettable. 

I love you all! I hope the snow hasn't killed y'all yet. 

Sister Larsen

Birthday Cake

Our DL is the nicest human ever

Get ready for General Conference!

Precious, Angelyque, and Milliana

Our dear friend Maxine

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