Tuesday, February 25, 2020

February 24, 2020 - I'm Going Home!!!(Week 49) - Philadelphia, PA

Hello everyone!

This week we got to go to the Priesthood Restoration Site this week for new missionary retraining. It was the greatest day of my life! I got to see all of my site family again and I couldn't have been happier.

That place has such a huge spot in my heart. The spirit is so powerful there because the grounds truly never forget what happened. That place is where I gained a testimony of the Book of Mormon and of Prophets. 

In the dedicatory prayer of the site given by President Nelson he said, " wilt Thou bless Thy servants and all who will labor here, and bless the inquiring minds of all who yearn to know more about Thee and Thy eternal and unchanging laws and doctrine. Bless all who enter these precincts, that they may be inspired to emulate the example of Thy Son." That promise is so true! I have been so BLESSED, and thanks be to God!

This Saturday Sister Hales and I were able to sing a missionary parody to the song "love is an open door". And imma just say that we killed it! 

I hope you all have a great week and a great life!

Sister Larsen😜✌🏽

Here's also some good pictures since that's the best part about weekly emails haha. 

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