Wednesday, February 12, 2020

February 10, 2020 - BOOTLEGGERS (Week 47) - Philadelphia, PA

Happy Monday my friends!

This week was a looooong one. We got to meet with our favorite lady, Faye. She is so cute and I love her so much. We have been working on family history with her and she has been telling us the funniest stories. She would tell us how her mom was a crazy driver and would run away from the cops. She also said how her uncle would do the same thing and get into some high speed chases running away from the police. She even tells us how members of her family were bootleggers!

😂 One other story she told us was about how they would find snakes in their couch! Well her mom didn't like that so she would catch the snakes, throw them outside, chop them up and set them on fire haha. Honestly to me it sounds like a pretty entertaining childhood. 

We have also gotten help from another member here, Maxine, and she is helping us make skirts! It has definitely been a party making them. Plus, whenever we go over there she gives us some ice cream so it is definitely worth it haha. A while ago we gave her some large print scriptures and she was so happy to get them. It was so cute because we gave them to her and she hugged them super tight and said, "who says I'm not a winner!" It was definitely the highlight of my week!

One other thing I learned this week: the word jawn. Jawn is a word Phlyers use, so I am basically a local now. 


Jawn is Philadelphia slang for anything ... literally anything.
Jawn is used as an all encompassing substitute for any person, place, or thing. Like this definition, an informative jawn.
Life has been so good her in Philadelphia! Hope it's going well wherever y'all are too!
Sister Larsen
Tasty Kakes

I love Jesus

Our friend Faye

Flowers from a senior activity center we do service at

Birthday Sushi (I have onverted Sister Hales hehe)

Mei Mei

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