Monday, January 27, 2020

January 27, 2020 - Head Flurries (Week 45) - Philadelphia, PA

Hello everyone! I cant believe another Monday is here. 

This week started off pretty well and we were able to visit some awesome people. Well on Wednesday night we were in our apartment just chilling and getting ready for bed when the alarm goes off. Apparently an emergency had been reported in the building and everyone had to evacuate. So we decided to be good missionaries and followed directions and went and sat in our car. 

There were fire trucks and police cars everywhere and nobody even knew what was going on. Well it was getting late and so we spent the night with some other sisters. When we got back the next morning we found out that somebody accidentally started a kitchen fire. So that was the most exciting thing from my week. 

Well, from that point on we weren't able to get much done.... I was sick and stuck in bed all weekend which is the worst! Especially as a missionary. So everyone pray for Sister Hales that she won't lose her mind.

Stay safe and stay healthy friends!

Oh and also thank you to everyone for all the birthday wishes! 

Sister Larsen

The STL's made a nice cake for me haha

Birthday dinner with the O'Brien's

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