Saturday, April 6, 2019

April 2, 2019 - Week 3 - MTC

Hello Everyone!

Today is my last pday in the MTC. I am leaving for Philadelphia tomorrow and I couldn't be more excited! This week was probably the best yet! I am going to miss my district so much. Especially my companion! She's the best and I am going to miss seeing her everyday. The other sisters are also super awesome. And the elders make everything so fun. Especially Elder Mason. He honestly helped get me through my time here at the MTC. He made everything so much more fun and each day was full of laughs. We are all serving in Philadelphia but It's gonna be hard to say goodbye, because they are my best friends here at the MTC. I was sick this week so things weren't very exciting. The same thing happened everyday, just class and more class. The highlight of the week was probably going to the temple. I love the temple so much and I know that it helps us come closer to God. If you haven't been to the temple in a while please go. The spirit is so strong there so if you're ever looking for answers of need some help, go to the temple. Well, I guess the next time you'll be hearing from me, I will be across the country! Peace out Utah!!

Sister Larsen

Sisters Going to Philadephia

MTC District at Provo Temple

Sister Reynolds and Sister Larsen

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