Tuesday, April 16, 2019

April 15, 2019 - Week 5 - Woodstown, NJ

Hola everyone!!

This week was very very crazy! But it was a good week too. Everything ended up working out so it's all worth it. On Tuesday we had the opportunity to help the Young Women out with family history. I never realized all the col stuff you could learn about. Wednesday was the crazy day. We taught some lessons with recent converts. I'll just say it didn't go very well. Basically it was just a huge trash fire. Everything ended up working out though. Thanks to lots of prayer. I will testify to you that prayer does work haha. Thursday was also good! We had two amazing lessons and both of them committed to be baptized! Now we just gotta hope all of that works out. On Saturday we did some service. We helped some members build a bamboo fence! It was pretty awesome! So if any of you need help building a bamboo fence let me know. Mission life has honestly been treating me so well. I have loved serving and loving everyone. Sometimes it can be frustrating and hard to get through the hard times but I have learned so much to rely on my Savior. I know that he is ALWAYS there for us more matter what the situation. He loves you and all he wants is to help you. If you ever need help in your life turn to the Lord and he will make weak things become strong. Love you all and hope you have an amazing week!

Sister Larsen

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