Monday, April 29, 2019

April 29, 2019 - Week 7 - Woodstown, NJ

Hello everyone! 

This week has been super crazy. Life as a missionary has actually just been crazy haha. I am loving Jersey so much! Everything is so green here and there are trees everywhere you look. Sadly we weren't in our area much this week. We had some training on Thursday and I got to see Sister Reynolds. I miss her so much! She is the best ever! We also had exchanges this weekend and I got to go to the big city. Philadelphia was so much fun! We did end up getting a little lost on septa but we ran into a YSA member and he helped us out. He was such an answer to our prayers. It also rained on Friday and we forgot our umbrellas and rain coats so we got soooo wet!

We had some really good lessons this week, they were probably some of the best lessons I have been a part of this far. I have absolutely loved being a missionary. It is so fun to see all the people we are teaching learning and growing. It is amazing how God works miracles in all of their lives. 
And God works miracles in all of our lives too. I have seen him work miracles in my life. They may not be huge like healing the sick or raising the dead, but there is always a miracle each day of our lives whether big or small. God is there and he is watching over each one of us. He plays a role in each of our lives and His hand is extended to all of us. Reach out and grab His hand. He can help you overcome any obstacle that you may face. 

I encourage you all to look for the day to day miracles and see the Lords hand in your life each day. I know he is there and he is continually blessing you. I love you all and hope each and everyone of you have a great week! 

Oh yeah! We also planted some flowers in our backyard today so hopefully they'll bloom. I'll keep y'all updated on that lol. 

Sister Larsen 
Philadelphia Pennsylvania Mission
721 Paxon Hallow Road Suite B
Broomall, PA 19008

Sister Tenney

Enjoying Sushi

A Hat I Knitted

New Missionary Training

New Missionary Training

Sister Reynolds and I at Training

Philadelphia Temple

Sister Tenney and I at the Philly Temple!

Outside the Philadelphia Temple

The Garden we Planted

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