Tuesday, February 25, 2020

February 24, 2020 - I'm Going Home!!!(Week 49) - Philadelphia, PA

Hello everyone!

This week we got to go to the Priesthood Restoration Site this week for new missionary retraining. It was the greatest day of my life! I got to see all of my site family again and I couldn't have been happier.

That place has such a huge spot in my heart. The spirit is so powerful there because the grounds truly never forget what happened. That place is where I gained a testimony of the Book of Mormon and of Prophets. 

In the dedicatory prayer of the site given by President Nelson he said, " wilt Thou bless Thy servants and all who will labor here, and bless the inquiring minds of all who yearn to know more about Thee and Thy eternal and unchanging laws and doctrine. Bless all who enter these precincts, that they may be inspired to emulate the example of Thy Son." That promise is so true! I have been so BLESSED, and thanks be to God!

This Saturday Sister Hales and I were able to sing a missionary parody to the song "love is an open door". And imma just say that we killed it! 

I hope you all have a great week and a great life!

Sister Larsen😜✌🏽

Here's also some good pictures since that's the best part about weekly emails haha. 

Monday, February 17, 2020

February 17, 2020 - Jesus was a Country Boy (Week 48) - Philadelphia, PA

Holy JAWN!!

There were so many good things that happened this week, both funny and informational. And I promise you that this email is definitely worth the read. 

To start off I found out that Sister Hales talks in her sleep. Not only does she talk in her sleep but she also PRAYS in her sleep. That's definitely a dedicated missionary right there. 

On wednesday I got called a hill billy! Like, really? Do I look like a hill billy? We were visiting our dear friend Maxine and she was talking to us about how certain people look like different ethnicities. Well, I was curious and so I asked her what I looked like. And that was when she responded with, "you look like a hill billy". I would have to blame Sister Hales for that because she has gotten me into some Jesus country music. 

Speaking of Jesus country music, I found out that Jesus was a country boy! Okay and here is why:

      -- He walked down a dirt road with everything that he owned
      -- He was born in a barn and his mom laid Him in a manger
      -- He swam in a river 
      -- and He went fishing for His dinner

So I guess you could say that Jesus really was a country boy. And how do I know this? From a song. 

Okay, another funny story: we were riding the bus back to our apartment and at the bus stop we ran into a man. He started out by asking us about his portable charger and then asked us where we work. We explained that we were missionaries and he told us that he used to go to our church. So we talked for a bit about the church but he would always talk about how the devil was trying to distract him with all the crazy things going on. Well, Sister Hales decided to share a scripture with him, she had him read it and he only got through the first few lines when he got distracted by a noisy truck driving by. He still had the Book of Mormon in hand when all of a sudden he turned toward Sister Hales, raised his hand with the book, and stood there for about a minute. We had no idea what was happening so we looked at each other very confused. He gave the book back and started pacing as if nothing had happened. Even more confused we decided to give up on that conversation. Well, no sooner did he turn back to us and started to crank out his middle finger. We were very taken back and he said, "you know, sometimes you just gotta flip the devil off, that's what I was doing". Thankfully the bus came and we were able to laugh about it. Also I am very grateful for that man giving me a new moto to live by, because sometimes you just gotta flip the devil off. 

One other cool thing, I met a Nun! If you want to hear about that then you can definitely email me! 

On a spiritual note I wanted to share a little something about charity! Its fits in pretty well considering just a few days ago was valentine's day. Although I have had so many crazy experiences with some pretty crazy people, I love the people of Philadelphia. I never realized how much I could love a person until I came on my mission. THESE ARE GODS CHILDREN! Most importantly I love God! And why do I love God? I love Him, because He first loved me (1 John 4:19). I love my Heavenly Father. I love my Savior. I love the people in the PPM. I love my family. And I love the gospel of Jesus Christ. 

I hope you have a great week!


Sister Larsen

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

February 10, 2020 - BOOTLEGGERS (Week 47) - Philadelphia, PA

Happy Monday my friends!

This week was a looooong one. We got to meet with our favorite lady, Faye. She is so cute and I love her so much. We have been working on family history with her and she has been telling us the funniest stories. She would tell us how her mom was a crazy driver and would run away from the cops. She also said how her uncle would do the same thing and get into some high speed chases running away from the police. She even tells us how members of her family were bootleggers!

😂 One other story she told us was about how they would find snakes in their couch! Well her mom didn't like that so she would catch the snakes, throw them outside, chop them up and set them on fire haha. Honestly to me it sounds like a pretty entertaining childhood. 

We have also gotten help from another member here, Maxine, and she is helping us make skirts! It has definitely been a party making them. Plus, whenever we go over there she gives us some ice cream so it is definitely worth it haha. A while ago we gave her some large print scriptures and she was so happy to get them. It was so cute because we gave them to her and she hugged them super tight and said, "who says I'm not a winner!" It was definitely the highlight of my week!

One other thing I learned this week: the word jawn. Jawn is a word Phlyers use, so I am basically a local now. 


Jawn is Philadelphia slang for anything ... literally anything.
Jawn is used as an all encompassing substitute for any person, place, or thing. Like this definition, an informative jawn.
Life has been so good her in Philadelphia! Hope it's going well wherever y'all are too!
Sister Larsen
Tasty Kakes

I love Jesus

Our friend Faye

Flowers from a senior activity center we do service at

Birthday Sushi (I have onverted Sister Hales hehe)

Mei Mei

Monday, February 3, 2020

February 3, 2020 - Bicentennial (Week 46) - Philadelphia, PA

Hello friends!

This week was pretty uneventful....

I was still getting over my sickness and so I did a lot of reading and studying, mostly from the book "Saints". 

Coming on a mission has definitely strengthened my testimony of Joseph Smith and the Book of Mormon. Serving at the Priesthood Restoration Site was definitely the catalyst. That place is so sacred! It has been almost 200 years, but the grounds haven't forgotten what happened there. 

I hope you all are following President Nelson's counsel of studying about the First Vision and the Restoration. I have felt a significant change in my life, and I know that as I do this and as all of you do too, your General Conference truly will be unforgettable. 

I love you all! I hope the snow hasn't killed y'all yet. 

Sister Larsen

Birthday Cake

Our DL is the nicest human ever

Get ready for General Conference!

Precious, Angelyque, and Milliana

Our dear friend Maxine