Monday, April 29, 2019

April 29, 2019 - Week 7 - Woodstown, NJ

Hello everyone! 

This week has been super crazy. Life as a missionary has actually just been crazy haha. I am loving Jersey so much! Everything is so green here and there are trees everywhere you look. Sadly we weren't in our area much this week. We had some training on Thursday and I got to see Sister Reynolds. I miss her so much! She is the best ever! We also had exchanges this weekend and I got to go to the big city. Philadelphia was so much fun! We did end up getting a little lost on septa but we ran into a YSA member and he helped us out. He was such an answer to our prayers. It also rained on Friday and we forgot our umbrellas and rain coats so we got soooo wet!

We had some really good lessons this week, they were probably some of the best lessons I have been a part of this far. I have absolutely loved being a missionary. It is so fun to see all the people we are teaching learning and growing. It is amazing how God works miracles in all of their lives. 
And God works miracles in all of our lives too. I have seen him work miracles in my life. They may not be huge like healing the sick or raising the dead, but there is always a miracle each day of our lives whether big or small. God is there and he is watching over each one of us. He plays a role in each of our lives and His hand is extended to all of us. Reach out and grab His hand. He can help you overcome any obstacle that you may face. 

I encourage you all to look for the day to day miracles and see the Lords hand in your life each day. I know he is there and he is continually blessing you. I love you all and hope each and everyone of you have a great week! 

Oh yeah! We also planted some flowers in our backyard today so hopefully they'll bloom. I'll keep y'all updated on that lol. 

Sister Larsen 
Philadelphia Pennsylvania Mission
721 Paxon Hallow Road Suite B
Broomall, PA 19008

Sister Tenney

Enjoying Sushi

A Hat I Knitted

New Missionary Training

New Missionary Training

Sister Reynolds and I at Training

Philadelphia Temple

Sister Tenney and I at the Philly Temple!

Outside the Philadelphia Temple

The Garden we Planted

Monday, April 22, 2019

April 22, 2019 - Week 6 - Woodstown, NJ

Hey Everyone! I hope you all had an amazing Easter sunday!

    This week was great! I guess I could say I'm starting to get used to being here in Jersey. The members here are amazing! I seriously love them all so much. On Wednesday we had an elderly couple move into our ward so we went over and helped them move things and get all organized. They are seriously my most favorite people. They are SO CUTE! They remind me of my grandparents and I love them so much!! This week was really busy. Full of service and lots of teaching. It is so nice to stay busy and able to help others. I am finally understanding the saying "get lost in the service of others".  I have come to love those that I am serving so much more!! We had an amazing Easter sunday. We had a great dinner with the bishop and his family. they are awesome! So yesterday I was praying and I had a feeling/thought that I had never had before. I felt that I had actually come to know Christ rather than just knowing of Him. I felt this feeling that He is a real person and He does know me. I really hope all of you were able to focus on the true meaning of Easter. Christ is risen. He is living and he loves us all enough to die for each one of us. He knows all of your individual pains and afflictions. He has a perfect understanding and a perfect love for each one of us. He has made it possible to overcome sin that our mistakes will become washed away. He overcame spiritual and physical death so that we can also rise from our sins and from the grave. I know that Christ is the son of God and he knows each of us individually. I would like to invite each one of you to study the saviors life and His ministry. I know that as you do this you will come to know Him personally. I hope you all have an amazing week and I love each and every one of y'all!

Sister Larsen

Philadelphia Pennsylvania Mission
721 Paxon Hallow Road Suite B
Broomall, PA 19008

Tuesday, April 16, 2019

April 15, 2019 - Week 5 - Woodstown, NJ

Hola everyone!!

This week was very very crazy! But it was a good week too. Everything ended up working out so it's all worth it. On Tuesday we had the opportunity to help the Young Women out with family history. I never realized all the col stuff you could learn about. Wednesday was the crazy day. We taught some lessons with recent converts. I'll just say it didn't go very well. Basically it was just a huge trash fire. Everything ended up working out though. Thanks to lots of prayer. I will testify to you that prayer does work haha. Thursday was also good! We had two amazing lessons and both of them committed to be baptized! Now we just gotta hope all of that works out. On Saturday we did some service. We helped some members build a bamboo fence! It was pretty awesome! So if any of you need help building a bamboo fence let me know. Mission life has honestly been treating me so well. I have loved serving and loving everyone. Sometimes it can be frustrating and hard to get through the hard times but I have learned so much to rely on my Savior. I know that he is ALWAYS there for us more matter what the situation. He loves you and all he wants is to help you. If you ever need help in your life turn to the Lord and he will make weak things become strong. Love you all and hope you have an amazing week!

Sister Larsen

Monday, April 8, 2019

April 8, 2019 - Week 4 - Woodstown, NJ

Hey everyone!!

I am officially on the east coast! I love my new companion shes so awesome. She is always so positive and uplifting. I absolutely miss Sister Reynolds though. Hopefully I get to see here at the PRS (priesthood restoration site). Life in Jersey is amazing and I'm loving every second. There are so many trees here and I cannot wait for all the leaves to be so green! There are no mountains here and so I am always so confused which way we're going... ahhhhh! It's mostly all farmland here and there's so many sheep and cows. I love it but I could never live here. We have been teaching a few people and they are progressing amazingly. Eddy is the best! He loves studying the Book of Mormon and is so passionate about learning about Jesus Christ. Oh he's just awesome! We have also been teaching a kid named Amondo. He really wants to be baptized but he just needs to get permission from his parents first. Cross your fingers🤞🏽. We watched general conference with some members and it was a good way to get to know people in the ward. 

I absolutely loved listening to general conference! The prophet and apostles always speak with so much power. I hope all of you were able to watch it! If not go into and read or listen to the talks. I promise that you won't regret it. Mission life is the best life! I hope all of you have an amazing week!

Sister Larsen 

Sister Tenney

Sister Tenney and Sister Larsen

Saturday, April 6, 2019

April 2, 2019 - Week 3 - MTC

Hello Everyone!

Today is my last pday in the MTC. I am leaving for Philadelphia tomorrow and I couldn't be more excited! This week was probably the best yet! I am going to miss my district so much. Especially my companion! She's the best and I am going to miss seeing her everyday. The other sisters are also super awesome. And the elders make everything so fun. Especially Elder Mason. He honestly helped get me through my time here at the MTC. He made everything so much more fun and each day was full of laughs. We are all serving in Philadelphia but It's gonna be hard to say goodbye, because they are my best friends here at the MTC. I was sick this week so things weren't very exciting. The same thing happened everyday, just class and more class. The highlight of the week was probably going to the temple. I love the temple so much and I know that it helps us come closer to God. If you haven't been to the temple in a while please go. The spirit is so strong there so if you're ever looking for answers of need some help, go to the temple. Well, I guess the next time you'll be hearing from me, I will be across the country! Peace out Utah!!

Sister Larsen

Sisters Going to Philadephia

MTC District at Provo Temple

Sister Reynolds and Sister Larsen