Thursday, July 23, 2020

July 20, 2020 - Sister Brown and I held FEET!! (Week 70) - Susquehanna, PA

Hello friends and family!

Well there is honestly not too much to write about this week. Tuesday the Schumers left and they broke my heart a little....😓 but i get to see them soon which I am very very excited about. On wednesday we went to go pick blueberries at a recent converts farm. It was so beautiful, I never wanted to leave!

Okay, this is where things start to get boring.... on thursday I started feeling sick so I went to the site, but I rested all day. That night I called the nurse and she told me to stay home and to rest until I feel better. Later that night she told me that she was actually going to start calling places to get me a doctors appointment so I could get tested for COVID-19. So friday morning I went and got tested, but sadly I won't get my results back until friday. Dont worry yall, I will keep you updated. 

Until then I have to quarantine and stay home for the next week until we find out if its rona or not. I'm currently on day 4 and I'm starting to go a bit crazy, so if you have any suggestions to help me out let me know. 

Until next week, stay sober and stay chaste!

- Sister Larsen

Blueberry picking!!!

Blueberry picking!!!

Blueberry picking!!!

Sister Brown and I holding feet lol

At the doctor getting tested for rona - It was negative

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