Monday, July 13, 2020

July 13, 2020 - Sister Brown Grew a Mustache (Week 69) - Susquehanna, PA

Happy 16 months to me!!!

I hope you all had a fantastic week, because I just want to reemphasize that TIME IS JUST A CONCEPT!! I only have 5 weeks left and I am starting to freak out! I wish that I could be a missionary for a while longer, but I am also so excited to come home and see you all! 

This week was pretty long, but that's okay because that just means that it felt like longer until the Schumers leave. But sadly today is their last day.😭 I never knew that saying goodbye to someone could be so hard. But on the bright side, I get to see them in 5 weeks!!! 

On Monday night after pday we all decided to hang out in Sister Brown and Sister Donakey's room and write in our journals. Well, when we are together not much writing gets done. For some reason I had the weird impulse to draw on Sister Brown's face. So I decided to be a nice human being and I politely asked her if I could do so. She gave me permission to draw on her face, except with all this humidity it made her skin a little oily..... So these markers weren't working the best until Sister Donakey handed me a permanent marker. Long story short, I made a masterpiece on her face and then when she tried washing it off she didn't have much luck. But don't worry because she doesn't have her mustache or sick tattoos anymore. 

Wednesday was Sister Schumers birthday so we celebrated with some really good cheesecake that Sister Dowling made. Well, the seniors had the bright idea of giving us those party blower things. Well, Sister Brown and I had a lot of fun with those. I will attach a picture so you can see what I mean. 

OH MY GOSH!!!!! On Friday Sister Gold and I placed a Book of Mormon! It was Sister Gold's first and my first in about 4 1/2 months. All of us site missionaries decided to go get some ice cream for a last hurrah with the Schumers. It was pouring rain and all of the Sisters decided to dance in the rain besides me and Sister Gold. We weren't about to get sick and wet and ruin the seniors car haha. Well thank goodness we didn't because just as we were about to leave a super cute couple were eating some ice cream on one of the benches. As we were about to get in the car Sister Dowling asked if we wanted to give them a Book of Mormon, so being good missionaries we went over and gave it to them! They were the sweetest people ever! 

Friday was Emma Hale Smith's birthday and so all of us Sisters sang the song Emma by the Nashville Tribute Band. If you haven't heard it go look it up right now. But I want all of you to realize how important Emma was and is in the restoration of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Emma was a BEAST!!! She endured what no other woman had to endure and she stayed faithful to the end. If you don't know much about Emma, go do some research because she is the best person ever! 

Stay sober, and stay chaste!!!

- Sister Larsen

Sister Brown and I with our party blower things



Sister Gold and I before we gave out that Book of Mormon

Sister Donakey is seriously one of my best friends

Backyard ice cream

harvesting our black radishes

family picture before my parents leave

my beautiful masterpiece on Sister Browns face

our NOT TODAY SATAN shirts

Don and I

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