Wednesday, April 8, 2020

April 6, 2020 - You're Closed (Week 55) - Susquehanna, PA

Hello everyone! It was definitely a great week here at the PRS. First off, I really hope you all were able to have an amazing weekend by watching General Conference. I hope you were able to feel the spirit as strong as I did. Here are some updates from this week:

- Lots and lots of tours! if you are interested in taking a virtual tour of the PRS hit us up!
- I chopped off basically all of Hermana Rodriguez's hair.   
- Imma bout to do Sis Reynolds hair too hehe (I won't say what though, it will be a surprise)
- We made some super yummy food
- The weather was nice enough to have a picnic where we ate our yummy food

I hope you all were able to have amazing weeks as well. Keep being super awesome.

With lots of love,

Sister Larsen

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