Tuesday, April 14, 2020

April 13, 2020 - "Your bird flipping the bird doesn't even make sense, birds aren't even real" (Week 56) - Susquehanna, PA

Hello Everyone! 

Happy 13 months to me!! And to celebrate, we are going to build a fort! Woohoo!!

Here are some highlights from this week:
- We found out that birds aren't real (if you would like more info email me)
- We took lots of tours from people ALL over the world
      - some of those places include Italy, Spain, Ukraine, Philippines, and    
- I dyed Sister Reynolds' hair! She is now a brunette!
- We flew Hermana Rodriguez's kite
- Easter was amazing!
- We dyed eggs and the Senior Couples set up an easter egg hunt for us!
- We got to watch a live stream of my brother getting married!
- I finally have a sister after 20 years.....
- We had a dance party down our street
- listened to some super sick bops
- we completed our 8th puzzle of the quarantine! and let me tell you, they were not easy

I hope you all were able to have a great Easter as well, I really hope that you took time to remember our Savior, Jesus Christ. In an email my dad sent this one thing really stood out to me, "I am so excited that we are celebrating Easter today. Today we don’t celebrate the Easter eggs, hunts, candy or other decorating but we celebrate the first fruits of the resurrection that opened the door for each one of us to be resurrected and return to our Heavenly Father.  It is through Christ’s Atonement that we are able to accomplish this for everyone." My pops is one wise man! But, I really hope that you can remember Jesus Christ not only on Easter, or Sundays, or Christmas, but ALWAYS! 

I love you all and keep on quarantining. 

Sister Larsen

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