Wednesday, April 29, 2020

District Video: We are All in This Together

Compiled and Edited by Sister Jadyn Larsen

April 27, 2020 - "This is it, and that's not it..." (Week 58) - Susquehanna, PA

Hello! there is officially another week in the books! 

There were some pretty interesting things that happened this week. First off we were able to have a phone meeting with Elder Renlund. He spoke a lot about finding joy in our circumstances. Especially with all of this crazy pandemic going on it can be a little hard. But as we know, with Christ all things are possible. 

Later in the week we had another zoom devotional with Elder Vai Sikahema. He spoke about an experience he had on his mission. How he brought his Holiday Bowl ring with him and a mission leader told him that he needed to send it home because with it he would not become the missionary he was meant to be. He was kind of salty about it, but that's when he learned to sacrifice for the Lord. It got me thinking, what do I need to sacrifice for Jesus Christ? And what do you also need to sacrifice for the Lord? 

This week we also ended up going viral. And by we I mean the site, and it was all thanks to Sister Reynolds. I don't know if you are part of the World Wide United group on Facebook, but somehow Sister Reynolds got her post approved. Well, it got hundreds of comments and shares and we are currently being swamped with requests  

well that's embarrassing..... I did not mean to send my weekly yet😂😂

Anyways.... we are being super overwhelmed with requests to take tours. So, sorry if you really wanted a tour haha. 

But this week was a good one! sorry that my email has been super confusing.....

Sister Larsen

Monday, April 20, 2020

April 20, 2020 - Sister Frosty (Week 57) - Susquehanna, PA

We have officially survived week 5 of quarantine!

Although we may be quarantined, things definitely aren't slowing down. We are still doing virtual tours, so sign up if you want one. They have been really successful and we have been taking people from literally all over the world. We have taken people from Italy, Spain, Armenia, Hungary, Canada, Philippines, Mexico, and Chile. 

Also, update on our fort: we have officially finished it (there are pictures down below). It was so sick that we have slept in it all week! Hit us up for all of your fort needs. 

We also got to take the sacrament yesterday which was super nice considering we haven't taken it for 3 weeks. I am never going to take it for granted ever again!

This week it also snowed which was super fun for us! We got to go outside and build a snowman, make snow angels, and have a snowball fight. It was super fun and 100% needed. 

I hope that you are all surviving! So sorry that my emails aren't the most exciting, it's kind of hard when things are the same every day.

Love you all!

Sister Larsen

Also, we have currently run out of all the puzzles we have, so if you want to send us any that would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!


the snowman we built

us with our snow friend

Mayte got a little cold

our fort

our fort 2

Mayte had a rough day

Pretty flowers

Dinner we made


the girls

Tuesday, April 14, 2020

April 13, 2020 - "Your bird flipping the bird doesn't even make sense, birds aren't even real" (Week 56) - Susquehanna, PA

Hello Everyone! 

Happy 13 months to me!! And to celebrate, we are going to build a fort! Woohoo!!

Here are some highlights from this week:
- We found out that birds aren't real (if you would like more info email me)
- We took lots of tours from people ALL over the world
      - some of those places include Italy, Spain, Ukraine, Philippines, and    
- I dyed Sister Reynolds' hair! She is now a brunette!
- We flew Hermana Rodriguez's kite
- Easter was amazing!
- We dyed eggs and the Senior Couples set up an easter egg hunt for us!
- We got to watch a live stream of my brother getting married!
- I finally have a sister after 20 years.....
- We had a dance party down our street
- listened to some super sick bops
- we completed our 8th puzzle of the quarantine! and let me tell you, they were not easy

I hope you all were able to have a great Easter as well, I really hope that you took time to remember our Savior, Jesus Christ. In an email my dad sent this one thing really stood out to me, "I am so excited that we are celebrating Easter today. Today we don’t celebrate the Easter eggs, hunts, candy or other decorating but we celebrate the first fruits of the resurrection that opened the door for each one of us to be resurrected and return to our Heavenly Father.  It is through Christ’s Atonement that we are able to accomplish this for everyone." My pops is one wise man! But, I really hope that you can remember Jesus Christ not only on Easter, or Sundays, or Christmas, but ALWAYS! 

I love you all and keep on quarantining. 

Sister Larsen

Wednesday, April 8, 2020

April 6, 2020 - You're Closed (Week 55) - Susquehanna, PA

Hello everyone! It was definitely a great week here at the PRS. First off, I really hope you all were able to have an amazing weekend by watching General Conference. I hope you were able to feel the spirit as strong as I did. Here are some updates from this week:

- Lots and lots of tours! if you are interested in taking a virtual tour of the PRS hit us up!
- I chopped off basically all of Hermana Rodriguez's hair.   
- Imma bout to do Sis Reynolds hair too hehe (I won't say what though, it will be a surprise)
- We made some super yummy food
- The weather was nice enough to have a picnic where we ate our yummy food

I hope you all were able to have amazing weeks as well. Keep being super awesome.

With lots of love,

Sister Larsen