Thursday, December 12, 2019

December 9, 2019 - Transfer Week (Week 38) - Philadelphia, PA

Hello Friends!

It's another great day here in the PPM and transfers are this week also. Sadly my dear friend Sister Rex is leaving, but I am super happy I get to stay here in the city.

Not much happened this week sadly. Here in Manayunk they went all out in Christmas decorations. They have a huge tree with so many lights, and they have a cute little bench in front of it made out of ice!!! And to top it all off they have speakers all around the town and they play Christmas music! It's like one of those towns that you would see in a hallmark movie haha. 

And although Christmas is amazing, let's make sure we remember the reason for the season. And that reason is, our Savior Jesus Christ! Try to always keep him in your hearts and in your minds. And don't forget to light the world! 

Sister Larsen

Some yummy cookies we made with a recent convert

Sister Rex and I with a recent convert from Haiti

A stop sign that I defeated 

My friend Sister Monson

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