Monday, December 2, 2019

December 2, 2019 - diciembre🎄 (Week 37) - Philadelphia, PA

I hope you all had a great Thanksgiving weekend! It has only been a short 4 days and so not much has really happened. But.... it is finally December and I am so excited to Light the World! 

So on Friday we had a lesson with this less active lady, Sister Wasco. Her grandson who is 3 was there also, but he was upstairs for most of our lesson. Well Jonathan, her grandson, came downstairs and asked for a band aid because he was bleeding. We didnt think much of it because 3 year olds are always accidentally getting hurt. 

Well a few minutes later, Sister Wasco asks Jonathan what he is doing. Well, Jonathan was cutting holes in her window screen.😂 She was a little mad about that, but then she asked what he was using and that's when we found out he was using her husband's knife!! She was so mad!😂

It was probably the craziest lesson I have been to haha. 

I never realized how crazy Philly actually is until I got to serve here. So many crazy things happen! But then it just makes for good stories. 

Transfers are next week so pray that I get to stay here in the city haha. And i hope you all have an amazing week as well! 

Sister Larsen


Selfie with a nice bridge lol

We had a little swinging break

We LOVE pie!!

Me and Sister Rex in the cold

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