Tuesday, August 18, 2020

August 17, 2020 - Where did the time go????? (Week 74) - Susquehanna, PA

Hello everyone!! 

Can you believe that in just a short 48 hours I will be back in the grand ole state of Utah??? Yeah, me neither. 18 months kind of seems like a long time, but this past year and a half went by in the blink of an eye. 

This week was an amazing last week here in the mission field. On Tuesday the sweet Dowlings invited us over for a movie night and they made us orange julius'. The senior couples here take really good care of us. 

Wednesday morning we got to help Elder Dowling dispose of some tree branches. We got them out of the woods and loaded them into his truck to haul away. Thankfully no one got any ticks.

Sister Staheli and I taught a zumba class on Thursday morning which was super fun. Dancing is my favorite! And then on Friday morning we got to pick some blueberries again!! This time it was very very hot instead of overcast and rainy. But it was a really fun time. 

On Saturday we did some zumba again, but then we got ice cream. It was definitely worth it. We had a movie night with the other sisters that night too and it was like our last hurrah. 

Although it was a good week, it wasn't easy. This week was a week full of lasts. My last movie night, my last chinese food friday, my last blueberry picking in Montrose, my last Sunday dinner, my last time at the river, and my last tour. Even though there may have been a lot of lasts, there are very many firsts that lie ahead. I have loved this past chapter of my life, but I am also excited to walk through the door to this next chapter. 

I have learned so many things on my mission, it has been so life changing and I would go through all of it again if it means that I can become the person I am today. The good and the bad were all worth it. These have truly been the best 18 months for my life!

See you soon!

Till then, stay sober and stay chaste! 

- Sister Larsen

Sister Staheli and I

Movie night at the Dowlings

Tree branches from the woods

Sister Gold and I after placing her SECOND Book of Mormon

post zumba

Blueberry picking


I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream

Susquehanna river

more river

GREGORY!! Cutest kid in Susquehanna

THE greatest companion ever!!

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