Tuesday, June 30, 2020

June 29, 2020 - Baptism at the Susquehanna (Week 67) - Susquehanna, PA

Holy Cow!๐Ÿฎ Even when time goes by so slow, it actually goes by so FAST!!!

It makes me more and more sad as the days keep passing by and time gets closer and closer to my death date. I am debating whether or not I should just become a nun. What are your thoughts?๐Ÿ˜‚

This week Sister Gold got to take two in person tours which was a huge breath of fresh air. On Friday President Spallino drove 8 sisters from Palmyra down to see the Priesthood Restoration Site and so we got to take them on tour! For those of you that are a little skeptical about this place, let me just tell you that it is the best place ever. We have the restoration woods, which as Elder Sessum would say, "It's like the sacred grove but ours is better!" 

It isn't better but the spirit in that place is so AMAZING!!! This week when I went in there, I could feel the spirit stronger than I ever have in my whole life. It was like a huge warm hug from the Holy Ghost. This truly is holy ground. 

Other than that nothing has really happened. Just a reminder that we are still giving virtual tours! Message me if you would be interested! 

Hope you all have a blessed week! Stay sober, and stay Chaste!


- Sister Larsen

We go to New York on a Weekly basis

Repping our Schools (no I didn't go to USC but I wish!)

Harmony House is the best house

Sister Donakey and I worked real hard!

We found friends at the river. Sister Staheli wasn't amused

demonstration of a baptism in the Susquehanna River

the one and only Sister Staheli

Site Sisters go thug

I have the cutest companion in the world (I just wanted to show her off some)

Our second dinner party at the Hale Home

Joseph is my bud

this is how we feel about the restoration of the Aaronic Priesthood

showing off our hard work! we dug up the stones and re laid them to leveled them out

my buddy Sister Brown

Thursday, June 25, 2020

June 22, 2020 - Fresh Meat (Week 66) - Susquehanna, PA

It has been another week! 

Not much has happened this week but we got some new sisters and I already love them so much! Since theres not much to talk about, here are some pictures from this week!

Also shout out to my dad who is the greatest man alive!!

- Sister Larsen 

Monday, June 15, 2020

June 15, 2020 - Taking Translation to the Next Level (Week 65) - Susquehanna, PA

Hello Friends!

Time is not slowing down and this week flew by so fast! I can't believe it's another pday. CrAzY!!!!
So many good things happened this week. But also we had a gnat infestation in our house!! On Wednesday our whole upstairs was filled with gnats. They covered the whole ceiling and so me, being a brave missionary equipped myself with some bug spray and the handy dandy vacuum. I sprayed the little buggers like no other and as they were falling dead from the ceiling I got that vacuum and sucked up their dead corpses. Although I was being a superhero, we have an amazing Senior couple that came over and solved our gnat problem for us. They are the real heroes of the story! 

This weekend is when the party really started! On Friday we went to our favorite Chinese Restaurant here in Susquehanna for our weekly Chastity and Chinese Food Friday. I highly suggest participating in whatever way you can. Saturday morning we helped Sister Dowling out with weeding our flower beds at the house. It was so much fun, and I have never loved gardening/weeding more! After we rewarded ourselves and got some ice cream! That evening we had a barbeque with the seniors and other sisters and oh man was there some good food! We had some real Texas BBQ with smoked brisket! 

Yesterday Sister Brown and I took an amazing tour with some youth from Utah. It was such an amazing tour and the spirit was so strong. It was a true testimony builder as I came to a deeper understanding and appreciation of all the incredible things that Joseph and Emma went through to allow us to have the restored gospel of Jesus Christ on the earth today. We truly are so blessed!
I hope that you all have such an incredible week! 

- Sister Larsen

Sister Dowling and I with our beautiful flower bed 

Chastity and Chinese Food Friday

all of us Sisters with my mission parents

Sister Gold and I decided to have dinner at the Hale home

Sister Gold and I have really gotten good at translation (not really we just wanted to be funny)

room mates


Monday, June 8, 2020

June 8, 2020 - (Week 64) - Susquehanna, PA

This week my dear friend Sister Brown taught me something very important. 


The more I think about it the more I realize how true it is. People, can you believe that I have been on my mission for 15 months??? Because I definitely can't. I remember before I left my mom told me that it was going to be hard, but when the time comes to leave I will be so sad. I'm not even done yet and I'm seriously so sad that I will be leaving soon. The Priesthood Restoration Site and the PPM will forever hold a special place in my heart. Always remember to enjoy every moment and every second. 

This week we had so many things going on, so here's a quick recap:
- we had an ice cream party and jam session to celebrate Sister Sleight's birthday
- we went down to the susquehanna river and the flowers are so pretty!! 
- I had a solo dance party that resulted in me rolling around on the floor
- my little brother graduated!! Congrats Fletcher❤
- we got attacked by a wasp and I may or may not have face planted. Okay, I did and it was actually hilarious!
- we had a sing along to joseph and the amazing technicolor dream coat๐Ÿ˜‚
- we celebrated our second Chastity and Chinese Food Friday
- some creepy hillbillies tried to break into our house 
- we planted the Harmony House garden! I'm really hoping that our beets, leeks, and brussel sprouts start growing soon
- I burnt some grilled cheese......
- visited New York
- we got some delicious cheeseburgers!!!! 

Keep hanging in there everyone! I know it's hard, but in the end it will all be worth it! 

 - Sister Larsen

Harmony House Garden


Celebrating Sister Sleight's Birthday!!

our sketchy Chinese Restaurant

we tried to make our own Chinese food

Hale Home hats

Monday, June 1, 2020

June 1, 2020 - Chastity and Chinese Food Friday! (Week 63) - Susquehanna, PA

This week just flew by! Life is seriously so good here at the Priesthood Restoration Site. The weather is warming up and the daisies are starting to bloom! 

This week some pretty cool things happened. 
- We went to the waterfall again so the new sisters could see it.
- We planted Emma's garden by the Smith home and I cannot wait for it to grow
- We found four leaf clovers! I'm pretty lucky I guess
- On Chastity Friday we got some really good Chinese food from a super sketchy shop
- We had a picnic

But I also learned something really cool this week. I learned about trusting God and to trust in His timing. Life seriously is not the easiest thing ever and a lot of things are hard. We may not understand why we experience opposition but God knows ALL. During my studies I was thinking about trusting God and this thought came to my mind, "God trusts an imperfect person like me to do His work, so why should I not trust a perfect God that knows all things from beginning to end." 

Anyways, we are getting 2 more sisters at the PRS this week and we are so excited!! 
'till next time!

-Sister Larsen

4 leaf clovers

sketchy Chinese restaurant

livin it up in Susqy

mother and daughter






some cute daisies!