Monday, March 9, 2020

March 9, 2020 - Mayte (Week 51) - Susquehanna, PA

Well everyone, I have made it back home to the Priesthood Restoration Site! It honestly feels like we never even left. 

Nothing very exciting happened this week... I am companions with Sister Rodriguez and I am so pumped for this transfer! Life is honestly so great here. 

For basically all of this week Sister Reynolds was sick, and so Sister Rodriguez and I were the only sisters at the site. Well, I guess everyone heard about that and decided to come on Saturday. We ended up taking 5 tours that day! It was definitely different than how Friday was. We didn't take too many tours on Friday... So after studying all morning we watched some movies and crocheted some nice hats haha. 

It is definitely starting to pick up as the weather gets nicer though. Hopefully all the trees start getting some leaves soon. 

So sorry that this email is short and has no pictures, but it will definitely be better next week. Hope you all are doing amazing!

Sister Larsen

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