Monday, March 30, 2020

March 30, 2020 - Day 13 of Quarantining (Week 54) - Susquehanna, PA

Hello everyone!

We are still in quarantine and it doesn't look like that's going to change anytime soon.... However, we have been able to take lots of virtual tours which has saved my sanity. Thank goodness for technology!

Honestly nothing very exciting has happened here. This week is General Conference though which I am very excited about. I hope you all are preparing yourselves to have an amazing experience.  President Nelson promised us that as we prepare for this conference it will be UNFORGETTABLE. 

This week during the tours that we were able to take I thought of something that I had never thought of before. Last conference during the women's session President Nelson said, "Everything that happened in this area has profound implications for your lives." As I pondered this, it hit me how TRUE that statement is.

Here in Harmony is where the priesthood was restored and where the Book of Mormon was translated. Just think about how the priesthood was able to bless Joseph and Emma's life. And now, just think about how almost 200 years later after it was restored, we are able to have so many amazing blessings because of it.

Now think about how you have been blessed by the priesthood in this certain circumstance. You are able to partake of the sacrament and still able to receive blessings. You are all sooooo lucky!! Just remember that next time you complain about the situation haha. 

Well, I love you all and I hope you have a great time in quarantine and keep up that social distancing!

/ Sister Larsen

Tuesday, March 24, 2020

March 23, 2020 - "Wow, missionary work has changed a lot over the past few years. Actually more like the past week." (Week 53) - Susquehanna, PA

Hello Everyone!

I hope you all are surviving the coronavirus. So far I am definitely happy and healthy, thank goodness for the Priesthood Restoration Site being in the middle of nowhere. 

Things here have been changing on a daily basis. Definitely one of the craziest weeks of my mission. We have been in quarantined for about a week now and the work has not slowed down one bit! We have received permission to do virtual tours here at the Site. It has been going very well, so if you would like to see why Harmony is so special to me (and the church) click on this link and set up a time to take a tour. Sister Rodriguez and I would love to take you all! It's also a great way to prepare for conference!👇👇👇

One thing that my mission president shared with all the missionaries this week was that God knows the amount of days that each missionary will serve. He told a story of when Randall K. Bennet, the area seventy, was on an assignment with President Nelson. The subject of missionary work came up and President Nelson shared that before we are even born, God knows how many days each of us will serve him as missionaries. This is just all of God's plan, and it is up to us to trust Him and look forward with faith. 

Keep on washing your hands and don't forget to stay 6 feet away from everyone!

Sister Larsen

Tuesday, March 17, 2020

March 16, 2020 - "you make your plans and you hear God laughing" (Week 52) - Susquehanna, PA

Ain't it funny how life changes? 

Wow so much has happened this week so make sure you stay tuned for a crazy email!

First off, I hit my 1 year mark. WOOT WOOT!!!

The week just started off pretty normal. The site was very busy but it wasn't anything that we couldn't handle. Slowly each day is when we got more and more news that the church had published. The biggest shock was learning that all church meetings around the world had been suspended. 

Well, that is when we really started wondering about the site here. So many people come here from all over the world, so we would have a good chance of getting it. Saturday comes around, the phone is ringing like crazy and we are just taking it hour by hour waiting to find out what's going to happen. Well, later that day we found out that all of the church history sites will be closed until May 1st. 

Well, on Sunday we got a call telling us that we were going to be sent out proselyting until things calmed down and until the site opens. That was kind of sad, but God truly does have a plan. Well, we were getting ready to head out for 6 weeks and then we got another call. So now we are staying here until further notice. We have truly been bombarded with so many things this week.

But on a brighter side of things, Hermana Rodriguez and I took some AMAZING tours! 

As we were getting all of this news and so much was changing I though a lot about this quote from President Nelson talking about Harmony, Pennsylvania. "Everything that happened in this area has profound implications for your lives.

I have never felt like these things relate more to me than they do now. We always share that Joseph and Emma had the faith to follow the Lord when they didn't know what the future held. I feel just like them stuck in limbo waiting to figure out what's going to happen to me. I really don't know what the future holds, but I know that the Lord has a plan and that I will follow him. 

I hope you all stay safe and that you don't catch any diseases (or a virus). 
stay safe!

Sister Larsen

Monday, March 9, 2020

October 28, 2019 - Best Mission Ever (Week 33) - Susquehanna, PA

Well another week in the books and it's time for me to say goodbye to my dear Priesthood Restoration Site. But I'm on to new and better adventures.

I have loved it here though and I am grateful for the opportunity that I have had to strengthen my testimony of Joseph Smith and the Prophet of the Restoration.

But I am also so very grateful for the friendships that I was able to make here. I have learned so much from these sisters, the couples, and also these branch members. I couldn't have asked for a greater experience here!

Sister Larsen

"And every one that hath forsaken houses, or brethren, or sisters, or father, or mother, or wife, or children, or lands, for my name's sake, shall receive an hundredfold, and shall inherit everlasting life."

Forsake for His name's sake to receive an hundredfold and everlasting life!

March 9, 2020 - Mayte (Week 51) - Susquehanna, PA

Well everyone, I have made it back home to the Priesthood Restoration Site! It honestly feels like we never even left. 

Nothing very exciting happened this week... I am companions with Sister Rodriguez and I am so pumped for this transfer! Life is honestly so great here. 

For basically all of this week Sister Reynolds was sick, and so Sister Rodriguez and I were the only sisters at the site. Well, I guess everyone heard about that and decided to come on Saturday. We ended up taking 5 tours that day! It was definitely different than how Friday was. We didn't take too many tours on Friday... So after studying all morning we watched some movies and crocheted some nice hats haha. 

It is definitely starting to pick up as the weather gets nicer though. Hopefully all the trees start getting some leaves soon. 

So sorry that this email is short and has no pictures, but it will definitely be better next week. Hope you all are doing amazing!

Sister Larsen

Monday, March 2, 2020

March 2, 2020 - That Fit Mad Sturdy (Week 50) - Philadelphia, PA

Hello hello!

This week has been crazy busy knowing that Sister Hales and I are both being transferred. I am going to miss the Independence Ward, but I am also so excited to go back to the Priesthood Restoration Site. 

I was thinking a lot about what I learned from my time in this area, and here is what I learned: MIRACLES DO HAPPEN!! 

When I first got here we didnt have anyone to teach and we spent a lot of time with less active members. My second transfer here we did a lot of finding, and there were some pretty mean people. I have never received so much persecution before. At this point, I was just about to give up. But my third transfer here came around and miracles started to happen. 

Things still weren't the easiest, we got bible bashed and people told us that we weren't going to find salvation, but we pressed on. And that is when we found Justin! We met Justin street contacting and at first he wasnt super interested. Well we met with him and introduced the Book of Mormon and he loved it. He told us that he wants to get baptized and now he is preparing for baptism! 

Justin's story is truly a miracle, God has His hand in every detail. Only a few days before we met Justin he was staying at a hotel. He opened the nightstand drawer and there was a Book of Mormon in it. Well, a few days later we came by and talked about the Book of Mormon. He told it as a sign that this is the path that God wants him on. 

I spent 3 transfers here with what felt like not much success, but as I kept going and moving forward so many good things came out of it. So many less actives started coming back, and we were able to find and help Justin. 

So whenever you are struggling and having a hard time, always remember that miracles do happen!

Love you all! 
Over and out,

Sister Larsen 

My Philadelphia friends!!!