Monday, November 18, 2019

November 18, 2019 - The Devils Walking Stick (Week 35) - Philadelphia, PA

Howdy y'all! 

So this week went by so slow but we were able to do lots of service this week! First thing we were able to do is to help set up some Christmas trees at a senior center. 

Yes I know that Thanksgiving hasn't even passed yet, but who doesn't love Christmas? 

On Saturday we were able to help cut down some invasive trees so the native trees could grow. So basically these invasive trees would block the sun and light from the native trees and would stop them from growing. 

As I thought later that night, we can totally relate this to the gospel (along with basically anything else). But we all have invasive things in our life that keep us from growing and reading the light of Christ. Well, we need to do what's necessary to cut down these invasive things so that we are able to reach the "son". 

So this week just think about things that you can change in your life so you can reach your full potential and have God's light in your life. 

Love you all!

Sister Larsen

Also if you want to serve it's almost December and light the world is about to start. If you'd like you can go to and sign up to receive daily service prompts. IT'S SO COOL!!

Also those invasive tree plants were called "the devils walking stick". Because satan tries to invade our life to keep us from Christ. Hehehe pretty ironic lol.

A nice portrait on our balcony

Christmas shenanigans

Sister Rex almost chopped my hair!

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