Monday, July 29, 2019

July 29, 2019 - (Week 20) - Woodstown, NJ

Wow! This week was absolutely amazing! God is so real and he is working so many miracles in all of our lives.

But, this week was also a week of firsts. To start off, I got harrased by a bird. Tuesday we grabbed some lunch and I got a salad which had croutons in it. Because what's a salad without croutons? Anyways there was a bird that kept eyeing me so I fed it a nice crouton. And then another one, and another. Then came along another bird that wanted to take the crouton from my bird friend. He set the crouton down and turned away to defend his possession. But out of no where a little bird boy swooped down and took the crouton while the other birds were fighting. This bird kept squawking and me but I was just trying to be a nice human.

I also got arrested for the first time this week. Not really, but I'm counting it. Saturday night we weren't sure if we would make it home on time so we were running. When a police officer pulled over and asked if everything was okay. We explained to him that we were just trying to get home on time, but he ended up thinking that we were running away from someone. So he offered us a ride and we gladly accepted. So I can basically say that I've been arrested!

Yesterday was the miracle day! First off we had the most amazing lesson ever with a guy, Arthur,  that we have been teaching. And everything we talked about in church directly related to what we wanted to teach. He said how everything has been working out so perfect ever since we first talked to him. Arthur said that he doesnt want to wait to start living his life, and that he wants to start living the way he wants now. We invited him to be baptized and he was so excited and said yes! I am looking forward to August 10th. 

God truly works miracles each day of our lives. His tender mercies are over all of us. I have seen his hand in my life so much these past few months and I am so grateful for that. He never leaves us, it is just up to us to grab His hand.

God loves all of you and so do I, have the most amazing week ever!

Sister Larsen

Monday, July 22, 2019

July 22, 2019 - Heat Wave🌞(Week 19) - Woodstown, NJ

Happy Monday friends! This week was a hot one! Temperatures were as high as 111° F😱 We tried our best to spend as much time as possible inside with the nice cool A/C. 

On Tuesday and Wednesday we got to go to the city of brotherly love. The city is where I thrive the most! We baked a cake there and when we got home we frosted and decorated it for someone that we are teaching. It turned out so good. Hit us up for some cake decorating! 

Saturday and Sunday were the crazy hot days! We weren't allowed to go outside unless we had an appointment so we made some nice missionary videos and studied. We helped a recent convert move and thankfully we were able to be safe inside wrapping dishes in bubble wrap. You would literally feel like you were melting right as you go outside.

Sunday was amazing! My favorite days on the mission are 100% sundays! This Sunday we got fed twice, and both times were tacos. We had lunch with a member from Puerto Rico and she made some amazing tacos. And then we went to a dinner appointment an hour later and got fed more tacos! They were good too! 

So today I had a super awesome experience about following the spirit. So about a week and a half ago we had zone conference. We were waiting for it to start and I had this prompting to write a letter to my friend. So I whipped out my notebook and I started writing this letter. I sent it off and honestly didn't think too much of it. 

But today, I got a letter back from that friend saying how much she needed that letter. She shared how she had been praying for something to help her. And my letter got there right at the perfect time. From my point of view I was just sending a random letter to a friend, but that letter meant the world to her. 

Just from following a super small prompting, that at first I thought it was just me, turned out to be exactly what I needed to do. 

Never dismiss a spiritual prompting. Even if it may seem small it can end up meaning the world to someone else, and in the long run it is good. I know that following spiritual promptings is so important. It shows our faith and love for God. 

Keep on following those spiritual promptings. I love you all!

Sister Larsen

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

July 15, 2019 - (Week 18) - Woodstown, NJ

Its Pday once again friends! This week was so so good. Guess what!?!? Last Monday I dyed my hair. It is all brown now and I love it! 

This week we had district council. We also ended up driving around for about 30 minutes to find a car dealership to fix our tire. And guess what... it never got fixed😂 we're just driving around on a flat tire with only a 23 psi. Don't worry though, we are planning on getting it fixed tomorrow. 

Wednesday we had zone conference and I loved to see all of my missionary friends. It was probably my favorite zone conference yet! After, we stopped by a referral. They are so so cool! They're  a family of 4 and have 2 cute kids! I love them so much already and it hasn't even been a week. 

Thursday was a good day too. It rained so hard, it was crazy! So we decided to call some people at McDonalds. It was weird because a man just walked past us and looked at us. But, the next time he walked past, he gave us cookies and thanked us for everything we were doing. It was so nice! 

Saturday was basically a party, we started off by helping the cutest couple from Puerto Rico move. We also went to a blueberry festival and picked some very nice blueberries. THEY WERE DELICIOUS! we helped clean the church too and got to visit my best friends, the Colliers. 

On Sunday after church, another super sweet neighbor lady knocked on our door and gave us lava cakes. That evening Sister Lasson and I had the opportunity to go to the "Why I Believe" fireside. Two recent converts from our ward spoke and their testimonies were so awesome. 

It's crazy to see how small actions can become big things. This week, with just those 2 small acts of kindness, my whole week was better. They probably weren't even thinking too hard about it, they just wanted to be nice. This week I would encourage you to look for an opportunity to help someone in a small way. I know you will brighten their day and doing these small things helps us find the light of Christ. 

I love you all and hope that your summer is great! Stay cool!😎

Sister Larsen🤙🏽

Monday, July 8, 2019

July 8, 2019 - Tornadosaur (Week 17) - Woodstown, NJ

Hello friends! It's another Monday so that means another email from your very own Sister Larsen. 

Not a ton has happened these past few days. The 4th of July was super lit! We partied hard with some elderly folks and it was awesome! They were super cool and super nice!

Other than our party, not much happened. Sunday was super awesome. Church is probably my favorite part of the whole week. One thing I have learned this week is to follow the promptings of the spirit. All good things come from Christ so we know that if it is a good thing it is of Christ. Some advice that my trainer gave me, was that as long as it's a good things it doesn't matter if it wasn't the spirit. Because you still did a good thing. 

Follow your promptings and do everything you can to do the things God asks or you. 

I love you all and I'm sorry this was such a short email. Have an amazing week!

Sister Larsen