Sunday, June 30, 2019

June 24, 2019 - Death Week (Week 15) - Woodstown, NJ

Happy Monday y'all!

This week was so so amazing! To start off, I just want to say how important church and the sacrament are. This past sunday while the sacrament was being passed, I said a little prayer. Later in the last talk the member quoted a scripture that was exactly pertaining to my question. It didn't even pertain to his talk, or to the topic, but it did pertain to my question! God knew that I was going to ask this question, and so he prompted this man to include the scripture in his talk. He had probably written it days before I even said that prayer. God knows exactly what I needed and He does answer prayers. He knows what each of us needs! He loves us and that is why he answers our prayers. 

So this was my last week with Sister Tenney. She is so awesome and I love her so much! She is going home and I am going to deeply miss her. She has taught me so much over these past 12 weeks. She has such a strong testimony and love for her savior and for others. She is a great example and blessing to me! 

I'm staying in Woodstown and I am so happy! I love it here and I love all of my friends!

One of my bestest friends here is a 12 year old girl named Emma. She is so amazing and so strong. She is a recent convert that was baptized about 5 months ago. So many things have happened in her life, and she is a great example to me of holding on when things get hard. She is so bright and the best ever! She reminds me of the scripture Helaman 5:12. If we are built on the foundation of Christ we cannot fall. Even when the devil tries to pull us down, we can be triumphant if we remain on that foundation. Satan has come at her so hard, but she always remains on that sure foundation of Jesus Christ. She is the best!!

Lately in my personal studies I have been learning about Christ and his life. It has really helped me grow closer to my Savior and better understand Him. 

So I have one favor to ask of all of you. If at all possible, could you send me your testimony of Jesus Christ and how you have come to know Him? It would mean so much to me! 

I love you all tons! Stay awesome and do good things!

Sister Jadyn Larsen 

Monday, June 17, 2019

June 17, 2019 - Nature Walk (Week 14) - Woodstown, NJ

Happy Monday friends!

This week was a good one! On Tuesday we had district council and normal proselyting things. And on Wednesday we had another lesson with Santiago. He is seriously the best ever! 

On Thursday and Friday we had exchanges. It was the best being able to he in the city. I really hope I get the opportunity to serve there. We found 3 new people for them to teach and  we also helped a lady clean her stove. I also got some super good cheesesteaks! 

Saturday morning we got to help with another road clean up. It wasnt bad at all, and it was actually kind of fun! Thank goodness I didn't get any ticks too because everyone else got a bunch! I am very grateful for that. After we got to have pizza with some members! It was some good pizza. We did some more service and had dinner with a member. 

Sunday was so good! It was fathers day and my father is the greatest! I love him so much and I appreciate all that he has done for me. Also thanks to all the father figures in my life (Baba and Jeff😂). 

Also today we went on a nice nature walk! It was the best. So sorry this is a short email. I am very short on time. But I wanted to share a quick message with y'all. 

So my favorite thing about being a missionary is serving. I love serving people so very much! I have seriously found that by serving others I am finding myself. Service is one of the easiest ways to be like Christ. 

Love you all and have the best week! 

Sister Jadyn Larsen 

Monday, June 10, 2019

June 10, 2019 - Saucy Pasta (Week 12 & 13) - Woodstown, NJ

Happy Monday!

It has been two weeks and so much has happened! On June 1st Elizabeth got baptized!! 

So Elizabeth has been investigating the church for about 8 years and I guess the time was finally right! After she was baptized and received the gift of the Holy Ghost, her countenance was completely different. She was beaming! 

Thursday was such a good day! We were able to go to the Priesthood Restoration Site and I got to see all of my friends! The PRS is so beautiful and the spirit us so strong. I could feel how scared this site is and that it is the place where john the baptist and Peter, James, and John restored the priesthood to Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdrey. 

The susquehanna river is also nearby and we got to visit where they were baptized. All of us missionaries has a testimony meeting at that spot. I have only felt the spirit as strong as it was once before. The Priesthood is evidence of Gods love for us. He restored His power to the earth so that we can enjoy the blessings that lead to eternal happiness. 

This site is also where 3/4 of the Book of Mormon was translated. Joseph Smith was lead by the power of God to bring forth this amazing book! There is a video called, "days of harmony" that talks about Oliver Cowdrey's experience in harmony. It is a very powerful video about translating the Book of Mormon and the restoration of the priesthood. I would like you all to watch this video and to think about how the priesthood has blessed your life. 

Friday we had the opportunity to visit the Philadelphia temple. It was my first time going for 3 months! And I'll just say that it was very much needed. I can testify that I know that the temple is the house of God. It is where you can find peace and comfort from the world around you. You can receive answers to your questions and feel the saviors love! 

I hope all of you are doing good! I love you all and hope you have an amazing week!!

Sister Jadyn Larsen